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Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
Summary of significant accounting policies
Discontinued operations
Recent accounting pronouncements and accounting changes
Cost-reduction actions
Leases and commitments
Other (expense), net
Income taxes
Earnings (loss) per common share
Accounts receivable
Contract assets and deferred revenue
Capitalized contract costs
Financial instruments and concentration of credit risks
Goodwill and intangible assets
Other accrued liabilities
Employee plans
Litigation and contingencies
Stockholders' equity
Segment information
Remaining performance obligations
Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
Accounting Policies
Summary of significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Summary of significant accounting policies (Tables)
Discontinued operations (Tables)
Acquisitions (Tables)
Cost-reduction actions (Tables)
Leases and commitments (Tables)
Other (expense), net (Tables)
Income taxes (Tables)
Earnings (loss) per common share (Tables)
Contract assets and deferred revenue (Tables)
Capitalized contract costs (Tables)
Financial instruments and concentration of credit risks (Tables)
Properties (Tables)
Goodwill and intangible assets (Tables)
Debt (Tables)
Other accrued liabilities (Tables)
Employee plans (Tables)
Stockholders' equity (Tables)
Segment information (Tables)
Notes Details
Summary of significant accounting policies - Reconciliation of Cash, Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash (Details)
Summary of significant accounting policies - Narrative (Details)
Discontinued operations - Narrative (Details)
Discontinued operations - Summary (Details)
Acquisitions - Narrative (Details)
Acquisitions - Net Assets Acquired (Details)
Acquisitions - Intangible Assets Acquired (Details)
Cost-reduction actions - Narrative (Details)
Cost-reduction actions - Statement of Income Classifications (Details)
Cost-reduction actions - Liabilities and Expected Future Payments Related to Work-Force Reduction Actions (Details)
Leases and commitments - Narrative (Details)
Leases and commitments - Components of Lease Expense (Details)
Leases and commitments - Supplemental Balance Sheet Information (Details)
Leases and commitments - Supplemental Cash Flow Information (Details)
Leases and commitments - Maturities of Lease Liabilities, Topic 842 (Details)
Leases and commitments - Receivables Under Sales-Type Lease (Details)
Other (expense), net - Summary (Details)
Income taxes - Total Income (Loss) From Continuing Operations Before Income Taxes and Provision (Benefit) for Income Taxes (Details)
Income taxes - Reconciliation of the Provision (Benefit) for Income Taxes (Details)
Income taxes - Significant Portions of Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Income taxes - Narrative (Details)
Income taxes - Tax Loss Carryforwards (Details)
Income taxes - Tax Credit Carryforwards (Details)
Income taxes - Cash Paid for Income Taxes, Net of Refunds (Details)
Income taxes - Reconciliation of Changes in Unrecognized Tax Benefits (Details)
Earnings (loss) per common share - Computation of Earnings (Loss) Per Common Share Attributable to Unisys Corporation (Details)
Accounts receivable - Summary (Details)
Contract assets and deferred revenue - Summary (Details)
Capitalized contract costs - Summary (Details)
Financial instruments and concentration of credit risks - Narrative (Details)
Financial instruments and concentration of credit risks - Fair Value of Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts by Balance Sheet Location (Details)
Financial instruments and concentration of credit risks - Gains and Losses Recognized on Foreign Exchange Forward Contracts (Details)
Properties - Summary (Details)
Goodwill and intangible assets - Narrative (Details)
Goodwill and intangible assets - Carrying Value of Goodwill (Details)
Goodwill and intangible assets - Intangible Assets, Net (Details)
Goodwill and intangible assets - Schedule of Future Amortization of Intangible Assets (Details)
Debt - Components of Long-term Debt (Details)
Debt - Estimated Fair Values of Long-term Debt (Details)
Debt - Maturities of Long-term Debt, Including Finance Leases (Details)
Debt - Cash Paid for Interest and Capitalized Interest (Details)
Debt - Narrative (Details)
Debt - Interest Expense (Details)
Other accrued liabilities - Summary (Details)
Employee plans - Narrative (Details)
Employee plans - Summary of Restricted Stock Unit Activity (Details)
Employee plans - Weighted Average Assumptions for Restricted Stock Units (Details)
Employee plans - Funded Status of the Plan and Amounts Recognized in Consolidated Balance Sheet (Details)
Employee plans - Schedule of Accumulated and Projected Benefit Obligation in Excess of Plan Assets (Details)
Employee plans - Components of Net Periodic Benefit Expense (Details)
Employee plans - Schedule of Weighted-Average Assumptions (Details)
Employee plans - Company's Investment Policy Targets and Ranges for Each Asset Category (Details)
Employee plans - Expected Future Benefit Payments (Details)
Employee plans - Assumed Health Care Cost Trend Rates (Details)
Employee plans - Schedule of Plan Assets at Fair Value (Details)
Employee plans - Summary of Changes in Level 3 Fair Value of Plan Assets (Details)
Employee plans - Additional Information About Plan Assets Valued Using Net Asset Value (Details)
Litigation and contingencies - Summary (Details)
Stockholders' equity - Narrative (Details)
Stockholders' equity - Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Details)
Stockholders' equity - Amounts Reclassified Out of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Details)
Stockholders' equity - Changes in Common Stock and Treasury Stock (Details)
Segment Information - Narrative (Details)
Segment information - Operations by Segment (Details)
Segment information - Customer Revenue by Classes of Similar Products or Services (Details)
Segment information - Reconciliation of Segment Operating Income to Consolidated Income Before Income Taxes (Details)
Segment information - Reconciliation of Total Business Segment Assets to Consolidated Assets (Details)
Segment information - Revenue, Properties and Outsourcing Assets by Geographic Segment (Details)
Remaining performance obligations - Narrative (Details)
Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts (Details)
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